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The First Step

Toward a fuller recognition of the body of Christ. Before we can participate in, or be witnesses to, a fuller, more compelling body of Christ, we have to become more aware of the totality of that body. There is indeed a direct correlation between recognition of the body and effective participation in it. To borrow St. Paul’s analogy, a thumb is much more useful to the body when it recognizes its dependence on the elbow — and vice versa — and is mindful of the value of their cooperation.

But actually, there is a step that comes even before recognition, conditions agreeable to recognition must be present. This, of course, is God’s work. The last 100 (or so) years have presented us with conditions that are ripe for this fuller recognition. Attitudes and psychologies of division, remnants of a self justifying past, have softened. Ecumenical coalitions and councils abound that aim to rise above the ecclesial demarcations that persist. Christendom has largely ceased to erect barriers to unity and is learning, and relearning, how to navigate around the progressively diminishing influence of those walls.

He has raised, and will continue to raise, those who lament those walls and one day — O may it be on this side of heaven, Lord — just like he did in Jericho, he will, by his power, invite us to participate in his work of destroying those walls once and for all.

We can chip away at those walls today. They become less and less visible with every kind word toward and prayer of blessing and gratitude for a part of the body that looks different than you and the part of the body you associate with.